July’18 – Apr ’21 – A memoir

This is a self retrospection of the past two years of my life in America . It is pretty long and I have greatly condensed a few portions of it.

July 27, 2018 Madras International Airport (MAA) Indian Standard Time – The day I boarded Lufthansa airlines from Chennai, India. It was a ~15 hour flight to Dallas with a layover in Frankfurt, Germany.

I remember my dad asking me “How do I feel?” a few hours before boarding the plane. Honestly, I didn’t feel a thing. I was numb. Blank. Devoid of emotions. All I knew was that new experiences await and I need to work towards building a future I cherish about. I have been away from family even during my Bachelor’s degree. So, staying away from my family was not new to me.

I remember entering inside the airport. There is a certain point beyond which you will be allowed only if you have a boarding pass. I remember waving back at my parents from there along with a few of my new found friends who were in turn waving back at their parents, friends etc. The journey to the check-in area became closer and closer and the distance from India started getting farther and farther. I completed the check-in and I remember waiting for almost 30 minutes in another lobby to board the flight. I called my family and a friend to bid adieu !

July 27, 2018 Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) Central Standard Time – Touchdown in Dallas. I was greeted by a heat wave with temperatures soaring up to 104 degree Fahrenheit (40 degree Celsius). (Howdy Texas !) The Indian Students Association (ISA) was kind enough to help arrange transport. Me and my new found friends took a free ride to the community that was about to become my new home.

First day – I took a video of my new house and sent it to my family and a few friends of mine. I don’t completely recollect what happened on the first day. I remember sleeping on the floor that night thinking about what lies next.

Fun Fact – We had a hard time figuring out how to switch on the cook top. Later we found out that there was some problem with the wiring. (We were not that dumb !)

The next few days in Dallas – Setting up new SIM card, opening a bank account, setting up internet in the new house and getting the other essentials setup (and a visit to Kumar’s – a South Indian restaurant for a sumptuous lunch. Kumar’s was 100x time better than what it is today). Thanks to my friend’s family who were kind enough to take us to a few places to buy the essentials needed to start our journey in America.

2 weeks later – another friend joined the pack. We were a group of 6 people in a 3B2B apartment.

A picture from July 29, 2018 (outside Kumar’s) – The one on the right is me. (A few people missing here..)

The first goal or rather the the first objective for me to self-sustain as an International student in America is to find an On-Campus job. As a student, immigration rules doesn’t allow you to earn income from any outside sources. Finding an on-campus job is easy in some universities but in an University like UTD where there is a huge bunch of Indians, finding an on-campus job is not so easy.

My journey to finding an On-Campus job – Being the lone wolf I was and the lone wolf I am, I like to mind my own shit and learn from my own experiences. I remember applying to quite a few jobs (Dining Services, Catering and a few desk jobs within the University) before I landed on one. I have spent numerous days with 1 or 2 meals a day and spending long hours outside the dining office to find an on campus job. Dining was the easiest job to get – so they said. In between, there were classes that I had to take care of. Getting good grades was not much of a problem for me so I’m not gonna spend any further time describing my academic experience.

United States is a land of opportunities. But, you gotta keep hustling.

I finally landed an on-campus job after 4 months in America. (somewhere around November 2018). It was an hourly job that paid me 8 dollars / hour. It helped me get a Social Security Number (without which I can’t start working). I was happy when I collected my first pay.

Jason’s Deli – This is the place where I worked. Being someone who has spent not more than a couple of days in the kitchen back in India, this was a good learning experience. I burnt my hand the very first day, on a super hot oven. 8 dollars / hour helped me ease my financial burden a bit, but as someone who didn’t have a scholarship it was still not enough. I didn’t put too much stress on it though but all I knew was that I gotta keep hustling.

I joined a club – UTD Big Data Club – I later became the Vice President (It was no big deal so I’m not gonna spend too much time here)

The road to getting a scholarship – I had no strategy here. There was an online application that I filled in and which asked me for a reason as to why I needed a scholarship. I remember writing a genuine heartfelt essay and totally forgetting about it.

December ’18 – Some of my friends went back to India and some visited their cousins and relatives in the US. I chose not to do any of these and I spent my time preparing for a certification. It proved to be useless later although it was not an easy exam to clear. I remember spending some 50 bucks for the cab but nevertheless I cleared it. I dozed off after getting back home. When I woke up, I saw an email from UTD in my mobile – “Congratulations ! You have been selected for a Scholarship for Spring and Summer semesters”. Oh Wow. Double Dhamaka ! This was a straight 50% off in tuition. It was a big deal for me.

January ’19 – Dec’20 – Fast Forward (x10). Mid life crisis, good banter, parties, more parties, trying out different cuisines, drama, graduation, work – All the components essential for a fruitful life. I was one among the few people who completed the entire academic curriculum in 3 semesters. I could have taken a longer time to complete but remember – I can’t afford to waste the scholarship that was just for 2 semesters. There were many other things which happened in this period but I’m not gonna spend time in it. I will save it perhaps, for my autobiography if I were to write it someday.

Jan’21 – PresentFocus. Living the American dream. There are certain things that I still need to work on to take a leap forward. All I know is that I gotta keep hustling !

A more recent picture from April’21


The Dream that I dream of!

The Dream that I dream of !

Siddhu's Blog

The Dream that I dream of!

I dream of a Dream where dreams turn into Reality;
Where the never ending hustle-bustle within me dies down at peace
My Heart and Mind co-existing with one another affecting neither,
Yet supplementing one another!

Right said my Heart, Left said my Mind;
Reality stood right in front, staring at me.
I stood at a standstill witnessing the roles it played
Waiting for my moment patiently yet with anxiety.
Moments went forth,
While I stood still trying to unfold the intricacies it put forth.

Time flew like a storm.
And one fine day, when I began to realise that
It is Reality which brought me up here
My Dream was long gone.
Leaving me yearning for the perfect dream
Where Dreams turn into Reality.

The Dream that I will always dream of!

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Butterflies, Chaos & Life !

After my previous post about Schrödinger, Quantum theory & Cats – Let’s talk about Butterflies & Chaos, shall we ? Yet another paradox.

Does the flap of butterfly’s wing in Dallas cause a hurricane in New York ? If you were to live your life again from Day 1, what are the odds that it would turn out to be exactly the same and you end up being in the position where you are now ? The purpose of this question is to understand how seemingly simple phenomenons can cause unpredictable outcomes in the tree of life. Not just in your tree of life but in countless others.

As a 26 year old kid (Yes, I would like to still call myself as a kid), this is one of the many questions which I would like to know the answer to.

Butterfly effect - Wikipedia
Source : Wikipedia


Butterfly Effect aka “Sensitive dependence on initial conditions” is something in which a random experiment carried out multiple times can seemingly lead to unpredictable outcomes. Seemingly ! This is where Chaos theory comes into picture. Chaos theory is in itself a paradox in which we try to predict the unpredictable outcomes of nature. But, just like any other theory, all we can do is to arrive at an approximation of how the prediction can turn out to be.

Chaos theory when tested in a chaotic system (Imagine a world full of zombies and we add a few zombie eating zombies into the system) ‘might’ lead to more chaos. (or) the zombie eating zombies can turn out to be the heroes by kicking out all zombies from the system. All I am intending to say is within the seemingly chaotic nature of the world, there seems to be an underlying pattern which defines chaos.

‘Life’ is unpredictable. What we would define as chaos for one person might not seem to be chaotic for another. The many different chaotic natures of the many different people collectively forms the world as we know it.

I am pretty sure that someone at some point in your life would have asked you “If you were to change one thing in life, what would it be ?” And I am pretty sure that every individual would have something or the other they want to change. (If you don’t have any regrets so far, hit me up. Would love to connect with you !) The purpose and nature of this question is stupid. In the end, you would never be able to confidently say that you would have a better future if you change your seemingly shitty past. What’s the use in having regrets then ?

A little reference from Game of Thrones !

Littlefinger Petyr Baelish Game of Thrones chaos
“Chaos isn’t a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail, and never get to try again — the fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb, but they refuse. They cling to the realm, or the gods, or love … illusions. Only the ladder is real, the climb is all there is.”

All you gotta do is keep climbing the ladder and keep living life from one high to another !

Before I end this seemingly unstoppable rant, let me ask you a question to mess up your mind. In a chaotic system, do you think that every action, every decision you make has an “equivalent” and opposite reaction ? (Note the stress on the world equivalent) Was Newton wrong ? Oh wait. Was he ?

Note: This post is a conundrum, a paradox and is very much left to your imagination and open to debate.

Is your Life a Schrödinger Smiley ?

Schrödinger’s Smiley– I came across this term a few days back and I wanted to write about this since then. Paradox and anomalies have fascinated me since long. (See my earlier post on Turing Paradox) I blog about weird things and this is another weirdly fascinating post in my long list of weird posts. Duh !

Before we dive deep into Schrodinger’s smiley, let’s talk about quantum theory and cats.

In quantum theory, quantum particles can exist in a superposition of states at the same time and collapse down to one single state when it interacts with other particles. Some people argued that this is not always true and we will be able to prove it only when observed externally. Schrodinger refuted this theory with his imaginary Schrodinger Cat experiment.

In Schrodinger’s experiment, you place a cat in a sealed opaque box with a radioactive substance. When the radioactive substance decays, it releases a poison which in turn kills the cat. In this case, we wouldn’t actually know whether the cat is dead or alive until we open the box. The cat is presumed to be both “dead and alive”. How can a cat be both dead and alive at the same time? Doesn’t make sense. Isn’t it? So, a particle always collapses down to one single state (The cat either lives to see the next day or dies) at any given time and we do need an external observer to prove this point.


Schrödinger Smiley

Can a person be happy & sad at the same time ? You can be happy, You can be sad. You cannot be happy and sad at the same time. As per the theory, this is what Schrodinger’s opinion would be if he were alive. A person chooses to be happy or chooses to be sad. He can’t choose both.

DC) Joker - Heath Ledger | Why so serious? - YouTube
An excerpt from the movie ‘The Dark Knight’ in which the antagonist plays the role of the Joker. Jokers are intended to be funny but he ends up being the antagonist. His character is a paradox !

External circumstances don’t define how you want to lead your life or how you react to your surroundings. You are the architect of your destiny. You control your thoughts and emotions. You Only Live Once and it lies in your efficacy to keep building happy memories. After all, we claim to live in a world which is real, but ain’t it just a paradox ?

Let’s get real and start building happy memories. Shall we ?

A Dream of Summer !

Dear Spring – You were as beautiful as they said throwing different shades of color all around me. You added new beauty and new life to everything that was left after Fall. I cherished every moment of you but you also taught me the hard truth – Everything lasts for a while and change is the only constant ! While I am transitioning myself into the warmth of Summer, I would like to thank you for the good things you taught to make me stronger.


I’ll miss you, Spring. But, never mind I’ll find something like you to hold onto in Summer.
I’ll wish nothing but the best for you too !
Until next time.

America – Dreams on Fire !

This is my first travelog – The story of how a small town kid from India ended up in America.

When you cannot move a mountain, it is only because you were meant to climb it.

The long tedious process of applying to Universities, the anxiety which persisted for more than six months, the never ending game of Q/A sessions among family, friends and random people – What not ?

This was my time to Go, Kiss the World !

Life in itself is deep mystery. Sometimes you end up making decisions which you thought you won’t a few years back. The future you imagined 5 years ago seems nothing but a mirage. The future you imagine now will turn out to be a mirage, a few years later.

My journey to America is one such occurrence. A zillion other thoughts about my future had crossed my mind before I landed in America.

Having spent close to 5 months in America, here are a few things about America which I find interesting.

1) People never forget to say ‘ Thank You ‘.

2) The roads are as beautiful as they show in Hollywood movies.

3) All the ‘Need for Speed’ cars – Camaro, Porsche, Dodge Challenger are all common here. You see at least one of them everyday on the roads.

4) It’s not rude to greet strangers.

5) The Black Friday deals are awesome. I purchased a Google Home Mini for $1. (Yeah, it is a pretty good deal).

Now, here I am 15000 miles away from India moving towards the next phase of my life.

Fingers crossed and Dreams on Fire !


A sudden beam of light overcame the sea of darkness
Gushing forth the sea, a loud cry echoed from the mother’s womb.

She was 5 when she felt the droplets of water spluttering through her teeny-weeny head. It was Rain!
She looked high above.
Her eyes although debilitated, dilated!
Drenched in the miracle of the Infinite and mumbling her own Mumbo-Jumbo,
She barely uttered….
I will touch the Sky someday.

She entered her 15th year.
Through her narrow sea of reality
She began to realize the infinity of the Universe.
Yet, the finity in her outshined the infinity the Universe faced.

She turned 18.
She could feel her confidence rebounding back and forth.
Yet, she stood her ground.
She knew that she will not fade away into the sea of darkness yet again.
She knew that she will conquer the Universe.

Light and Woman


She was 25.
Conquering the Universe became a child’s talk.
Yet, she held tight.
Her fists – sweaty with anxiety
She held tight.

Where are you now? Where are you now?
She started calling out to her nascent self.
Was it all just a fantasy?
So lost. I am faded…

Gushing through the gradually spreading darkness, the light entered its realm again.
She survived.
The bright light gushed forth the sea of darkness everytime it started fading.
In her own way, she conquered the Universe!

A cup of Coffee and Barnum

Ever had that feeling when you could accurately relate to someone’s description of you? Congrats. You had been Barnumed!

On a fine evening, I started turning over the pages of Elon Musk’s biography with a cup of coffee by my side. My eyes quickly caught attention to the term ‘P.T.Barnum Effect‘ and I immediately recognized Barnum as my close associate who has been with me irrespective of the thicks and thins in my life.

Image result for Cup of Coffee images

Barnum effect is a common psychological phenomenon whereby individuals give high accuracy ratings to descriptions of their personality that supposedly are tailored specifically to them but that are, in fact, vague and general enough to apply to a wide range of people. This effect can provide a partial explanation for the widespread acceptance of some paranormal beliefs and practices, such as astrology, fortune telling, graphology, aura reading, and some types of personality tests.

Source: Wikipedia

The next time when you could relate the depictions in your horoscope accurately, think. There is a high chance that you have been ‘Barnumed’!

The Dream that I dream of!

The Dream that I dream of!

I dream of a Dream where dreams turn into Reality;
Where the never ending hustle-bustle within me dies down at peace
My Heart and Mind co-existing with one another affecting neither,
Yet supplementing one another!

Right said my Heart, Left said my Mind;
Reality stood right in front, staring at me.
I stood at a standstill witnessing the roles it played
Waiting for my moment patiently yet with anxiety.
Moments went forth,
While I stood still trying to unfold the intricacies it put forth.

Time flew like a storm.
And one fine day, when I began to realise that
It is Reality which brought me up here
My Dream was long gone.
Leaving me yearning for the perfect dream
Where Dreams turn into Reality.

The Dream that I will always dream of!

The Turing Paradox

“An unstable particle if observed continuously will never decay”

Sometimes it’s the very people who no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can imagine. Trust me, it takes a minute or two for normal folks to decipher it. But, am not normal. Are you? **Victory Dance**

Assuming that you have deciphered it, let me get to the point. Computers have fascinated me all along. It continues to fascinate me and it will continue to fascinate me until I meet my maker. Guess, I have landed in the right profession after all. Well…That’s debatable. Let me keep that as a topic for another day.

If we were asked to explain about computers in laymen terms, we start with Charles Babbage who is acclaimed as the ‘Father of Computers’ and end up explaining about modern world gizmos like the iPhone, the iPad etc. What if I mean to say that there is a forgotten hero who is responsible for the Artificial intelligence of today? What if I tell you that Siri and Cortana are actually the great great grand kids of that guy who had worked far ahead of his time?

The story of Alan Turing is something which is not greatly exaggerated (It should have been) but modestly appreciated. Alan Turing was granted a ‘Royal Pardon’ in 2013 for his conviction of Homosexuality in the year 1952. That makes up almost 60 years. I neither champion the cause of LGBT nor am I against it. I would like to take a neutral stance but I strongly believe that everyone has a place in this world and it’s certainly not upto one person to judge another. He/She can be judged not by one’s sexuality but by their deeds. After all, it’s the uniqueness of each human being that collectively makes up a society.

Winston Churchill has acclaimed Turing to be the one who shortened World War-II by a span of 2 years and yes he really did. Imagine the countless lives that would have been lost had the war extended for 2 more years! Turing played a pivotal role in breaking Enigma – The German cipher. The Enigma machines were a series of electro-mechanical rotor cipher machines developed to protect commercial, diplomatic and military communication. Alan Turing is said to have saved millions of life by breaking Enigma and intercepting German communications during World War II. It proved to be greatly advantageous to the Allies ultimately leading them to Victory. He achieved an impossible feat racing against time.

The Enigma Machine which was nicknamed as the unbreakable cipher but was deciphered by Alan Turing.


The life of Alan Turing is itself a paradox. He was considered an Intelligent fool. He was a Great mind yet he was Shunned. Although he was considered unstable by many, his legacy never decayed. (“An unstable particle if observed continuously will never decay”). Alan Turing died of Cyanide poisoning when he accidently bit an Apple laced with Cyanide. The mysterious circumstance of his death still remains at debate.

On a lighter note, it is said that Alan Turing was the inspiration behind the Apple logo although Apple has denied it forthright. (Yet another topic for debate?)


The paradoxical nature of Alan Turing’s life reminds me of how paradoxical our world is.

The crooked rule the World while the brightest remain obsequious. We claim to live in a world which is real but ain’t it just a paradox?

Yet, I strongly believe that the Power of change lies within Oneself and We as an unified set of like minded individuals might be able to bring about change in the near future.

Sometimes it’s the very people who no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can imagine.